Amman Academy Theatre Case Study
Coordination of Architectural, Structural and MEP works & production of Shop Drawings
Project Study
Project consist of an underground theatre building, constructed under a football field
Model development: MEP services models were developed from the tender drawings initially, and then coordinated working with the main contractor and the MEP subcontractor
Coordination with Architecture 1:
MEP works were also coordinated with the architectural finishes, were relevant, in this case the entrance hall false ceilings
Coordination with Architecture 2:
MEP works were also coordinated with the architectural finishes, were relevant, in this case the theatre’s acoustic ceilings and wall finishes.
Final Model: All materials and equipment specifications, quantities and construction details were finalized
Shop drawings and As Built Drawings: Shop drawings were prepared from the model prior to construction and re-issued after construction including any revisions as As Built drawings
Shop drawings and As Built Drawings: Revisions were also reflected into the model, which on completion will be an As Built Model